Community Spotlight: Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright comes to San Diego

San Diego, CA -On April 25th through April 27th Christian Fellowship Congregational Church (UCC) located at 1601 KeltonRoad in Emerald Hills will welcome the Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. to San Diego for a three-night revival. Dr. Wright, PastorEmeritus of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago IL, is a renowned pastor, scholar, social justice activist and  former pastor of President Barack Obama.

Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. to San Diego for a three-night revival, April 25th – April 27th.

Rev. J. Lee Hill, Jr. and the UCC congregation cordially invites the community to a generous and extravagant welcome to experience Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright in American’s Finest City, April 25th – April 27th!

The church kindly asks that you register your attendance for this FREE ticketed event each night through EventBrite.

Click here for===> Revival Flyer Link.