March For Black Women San Diego Demand to be Heard

Sunday, March 10, 2018, Black women and allies from all over showed up in Southeast San Diego, to advocate and in support of improving the lives Black women and girls. Hundreds marched along the streets from a starting point at Euclid and Logan.

As quoted in The San Diego Union Tribune , “The March for Black Women San Diego came out of the national March for Black Women that happened in Washington D.C. in 2017. Organizers for the local group wanted to address some of the specific issues affecting black women in San Diego.”

As noted on the Facebook page: March for Black Women San Diego is recognizing and honoring the careful thoughtfulness, strength and power that goes into expanding their movement, the need for a focus on Black spaces and honoring the voice of black womxn, and also seeing how those voices become game-changers in the city at large. 

The march was created so that people can hear the demands of Black Womxn:

Demand 1: Acknowledge and challenge centuries of abuses, that are still happening, including sexual violence, and reproductive violations against black bodies, especially the brutalization of trans women, black girls, ALL BLACK WOMXN.

Demand 2: Cease and desist all threats of incarceration, incidences of rape and sexual misconduct, police murder, violence against black women, especially trans women and deportation of immigrant women across the country, especially those whose deportation may cost them their lives and safety

Demand 3: End the threat against the human right to healthcare and increase access, including reproductive healthcare, bar none!

Demand 4: Ensure economic justice for low-income women at the communal and federal level, many of whom are at increased risk of violence due to lack of economic power.

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