By D. L. White
The wheels appear to be loosening and about to fall off the political experiment better known as the Presidency of one Donald J. Trump.
The conversation between Trump and Zelenski was taped (as all White House) communications are and appear to hinge on High Crimes and Misdemeanors.
As reported by most news agency’s, the 45th President of these United States of America attempted to “shake down” the President of the Ukrainian, Volodymer Zelenski, according to House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schitt.
The White House transcript between the two leaders included Zelenski stating his country was ready to go forward with the purchase of “javelines” a individual manned missile launcher that has proved to be very effective against Russian tanks.
Trump responded by stating, “I/we need a favor though.”
While most members of the Law community state this was not Quid Pro Quo (do something for me and I will do something for you) it strongly suggest such.
Trump would go on to inform the Ukrainian President former NY Mayor and current fixer Rudy Giuliani and the US Attorney General (William Barr) would be calling him to inquire about former Vice President Joe Biden’s sons work in Ukraine.
It was this conversation and several others that lead a “whistleblower” to reach out to and through proper channels share concerns for National security.
Of note, Trump pulled Vice President Pence from attending Zelenski’s innaguration, sending Energy Secretary Perry instead, sending a message according to many that Trump was using his office to leverage the newly elected leader.
Trump has floated several invitations to Zelenski stating the offer is open and he hopes he and Russian President Putin can work out their difference? (Invite the wolf into the hen house)?
U.S. Representative Maxine Waters (Cal-Dem) stated this behavior by the president demonstrates further he is again abusing and misusing his office.
Russia invaded the Ukrainian in 2014 and continue to occupy a large part of the country.
“This is an American travesty. How long will our colleagues on the other side of the aisle sit and shriek their responsibilities to the American public, by allowing this president to shamelessly diminish the office and our (America’s image) aboard?”
Former President Barack Obama placed sanctions on Russia for their actions and prior to leaving office January 2017, the US, added further sanctions for Russians involvement in the 2016 Presidential elections.
It seems strange (or it should to Americans/real patriots) that the President of the United States is so committed to aiding and defending Russia, at times throwing American Intelligence under the bus.
Since assuming office in January 21, 2017, Trump has been preoccupied with (4) things:
1). Building a wall on the Southern Border between the US and Mexico. 2). Banning People of Color (including Muslims) from migrating to the US. 3). Reversing all things Obama and 4). Reversing the sanctions against Russia?
It seems strange (or it should to Americans/real patriots) that the President of the United States is so committed to aiding and defending Russia, at times throwing American Intelligence under the bus.
Several members of Trumps original cabinet have been indicted and are serving sentences or waiting to be tried. The list includes Gen Michael Flynn, former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort, and former “fixer” personal lawyer Michael Cohen.
Trump himself, is a non-indicted co-conspirator in the misuse of campaign finance funds in an attempt to silence women for sexual favors.
If the Ukrainian matter was not enough to cause more than 218 members of the House of Representatives to sign Articles of Impeachment against Trump, now information is circulating that Trump also sought to use his office to gain foreign assistance to have charges against Manafort reduced.
Trump of course is calling the actions lead by Democrats the “greatest witch hunt in US” history.
Texas Representative Al Green stated the actions of the US president are deplorable and diminish the office.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, a holdout earlier on impeachment, stated the President’s actions in attempting to extort Ukraine was the last straw and warrants actions by the House.
“Im shocked the entire congress is not disgusted and embarrassed by the presidential actions of Trump. No one is above the law,” noted Pelosi.
Writers note: Grounds for impeachment calls for hearings to bring forth evidence to substantiate the claim.
House Democrats are confident the information being compiled and the actions of the President affirms this is the correct action to take.
Trump is “illegally” calling to have the name of the whistleblower revealed. Federal laws protect whistleblowers and under no circumstances should their name and identification be revealed..
Stay tuned, this is going to get down right dirty….