Are you a worrywart that can’t seem to stop obsessing over just about everything? Just so we’re clear, a “worrywart” is not just someone who worries; it’s someone who worries needlessly, often without justifiable reasons.
In a recent interview with Tangia Elieff, LCSW principal and CEO of Honor Your Emotions a private practice in the San Francisco Bay Area, she says that many us need to get over our princess problems, and just say thank you Lord. Things could always be worse. Now, this is not intended to downplay anyone’s emotions, but let’s face it, studies show that most worry and anxiety are brought on by life events that are beyond our control. And, if we don’t get a hold to it, unnecessary fretting can turn into something more serious—anxiety, depression, panic attacks and even cause us to be physically ill.
Elieff’s new workbook journal, due out this Friday, Honor Your Emotions: From Worrier to Warrior, A Christian based Guide to Overcome Worry and Anxiety, is a 160-page study guide that goes through a series of steps that helps with getting down to the root problem of worrying. As one of the top counselors in the region and with twenty years of counseling experience, she is one of the few black females owned therapy firms. The author and mental health expert says it’s important to categorize levels of worry.
“It’s important to identify what worry looks like to find out what’s causing this unhealthy emotional habit.”
According to Anxiety and Depression of America, anxiety disorders that stem from worrying are the most common mental health disorder in the United States. Data show that for Black women, anxiety is more chronic and the symptoms more intense than their White counterparts.
Here’s a sample of the types of the advice she shares in the workbook: “When someone is extremely worried or anxious it’s usually based on fear or, they’re afraid that something is going to happen. It’s important for the person to ask themselves the questions: So what are you afraid of? Is it a realistic thought that this will really happen?” If you can answer those questions she says, it helps.
Admittedly, Elieff shares that she is not a worrier, but credits her healthy emotional habit to watching how her parents handled problems growing up. A firm believer that worrying can be prevented, she says that people just the need specs. The workbook journal is accompanied by a live video course for those who want one-on-one guided counseling.
You can follow Tangia Elieff on Instagram at: _HonorYourEmotions_ Link in profile to register and for more information on the workbook and video .
Loved this story. Thank you for your great reporting and for bringing us fresh stories such as these. Loved learning about Honor Your Emotions. Wish they were here in Houston.