The protagonist, Brooklen Sapphire, is based on real life occurrences in Steele’s life who resonates instantly with readers from beginning to end. The writer bares all in the telling of a complicated story of a young woman’s journey to freedom from years of heartbreaking emotional, and physical abuse.
The author takes the reader on a journey into how child abandonment and dysfunction can turn into a thirst for looking for love and acceptance from all of the wrong people, in all the wrong places.
Steele’s ability to go deep on a range of relationships will have you gasping for air.
In her account of her youth, she does not sugarcoat teen sexual experiences, or a yearning for a complicated type of romance that many young girls suffer from what’s defined in urban terms as, “Thug Love.”
Love Incorruptible is a beautifully written book from a talented writer, that offers a voice to young girls and women who have struggled with insecurities and self-worth, produced by a cycle of broken and unstable relationships.
Some might argue the reading as strictly for adults. I say, please share with your young teenaged girls.
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