Finding Joy in Holiday Cheer!

Holiday_lattesBy:  Tamara Kegler

The holiday season is in full swing, with its seasonal lattes and luscious fragrances.  Shopping is underway, and our favorite holiday songs are filling the airwaves.  It’s exciting and easy to get wrapped up in the ambiance of the season.

But before we jump into the holiday cheer and fill the aisles of our favorite retailer, let’s take a moment to genuinely fill ourselves with everything that the holidays have to offer:  Joy.  Let’s do a quick self-check to ensure that once the season is over, the joy and ambiance within continue to last throughout the New Year. 

Battling the day’s stress with a hot cup of our coffee house favorite seems the norm.  Once we’ve finished our delicious beverage, and completed our shopping, let’s ensure that the day’s tension leaves as well.  If not, it may take a little more than a coffee house treat to get rid of your holiday blues.  The same goes for the joy that seems to be everywhere this time of year.  If it ends at your front door, consider a new alternative to filling your life with personal cheer, no matter the season. 

Decision making is also a given; deciding which presents to buy, whose party to attend, and/or what to bring to the office luncheon.  In addition to these decisions, let’s make a conscious decision that will benefit us this holiday season and throughout the New Year:  the decision to be happy, to experience true joy year-round.  True joy comes from within.  Let’s ensure that we are as kind to ourselves and family members as we are to the retail clerk.  Let’s ensure that when we return from a joyous day of shopping, that our bright smiles remain on our faces.  Let’s also make a conscious decision to share our joy and happiness with others. 

The holidays are supposed to be a happy time.  Once our minds are free and clear of any happiness interruptions, we can pick up our coffee house favorites and head to the mall.  Enjoy the holiday season, as well as the New Year and new genuine you.

Happy Holidays!

Tamara Kegler is a freelance blogger and full-time Human Resources professional. Originally from Miami, FL, she currently resides in San Diego, CA with her husband. Tamara enjoys reading, writing, motivating/inspiring others, and basking in the Miami (or California) sunshine.Visit her at:

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