As much as I love going to the hair stylist, the one thing that this pandemic has taught me, is to give my hair a break and just let the natural process of change do its thing.
I’ve been fighting my color changing into gray for quite some time now. And, since I’m not one who likes to do pretty much of anything to my hair, I’ve decided that it’s best to let go of vanity. But then again, who knows, I might change once it’s safe to go back to the salon, and since I’m not quite all gray, yet, I may change back to black, and as the Bobby Brown song goes “It’s my prerogative.” But, then again, why would I do that? My hair is so much healthier now. So, for the time being, I’m going to embrace this gray, like it’s nobody’s business. It’s a new day!
One more thing, I want to give a shout out to the product Edge Naturale, who sent us their product to review. Edge Naturale is a follicle enhancer for natural hair that has done wonders for my edges. For years, my hairline and edges have been thinning due to heat damage, over processing and wearing protective styles entirely too tight! I’ve been using this product for a few months now, and I can see a significant growth and in the filling in of my hairline. In fact, my family has noticed the difference and without me asking how does my edges look? My sister said, “Okay edges c’mon through. Trust me, she’s had plenty to say about my thinning edges. Ya’ll know how real sisters are, they tell you like it is.

Edge Naturale, is a creamy white textured, minty smelling product that you massage gently into the thinning areas leaving the scalp feeling nice and cool. The product is meant to stimulate hair growth while also strengthening the hair and restoring your edges so that you can look like you again.
For more information on how to purchase visit Edge Naturale. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.