JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH Release Date – February 12th

Warner Bros. drama JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH will release in the U.S. on February 12, 2021, in both theaters and on HBO Max. The studio is planning to push the Shaka King directed feature for the current 2020-21 awards season. 

Synopsis: FBI informant William O’Neal infiltrates the Illinois Black Panther Party and is tasked with keeping tabs on their charismatic leader, Chairman Fred Hampton. A career thief, O’Neal revels in the danger of manipulating both his comrades and his handler, Special Agent Roy Mitchell. Hampton’s political prowess grows just as he’s falling in love with fellow revolutionary Deborah Johnson. Meanwhile, a battle wages for O’Neal’s soul. Will he align with the forces of good? Or subdue Hampton and The Panthers by any means, as FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover commands?

Check out the trailer below:

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