Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Emily Kohlheim, and I am currently a senior at Eastlake High School. As we approach the end of summer, entering into the start of a new school year, I feel that it’s important to share some important tips for students.
Senior year is a balance between the stress of applying for colleges and enjoying activities such as Prom, Homecoming, and Grad Night. Sometimes, the contradiction between the fun and the work can be overwhelming and just plain confusing. Luckily, I have been fortunate enough to receive plenty of advice from counselors, teachers, friends, and family about applying to colleges and being a successful student while still enjoying my time as a high school senior. I would recommend following these tips for success in senior year:

1. Start your college applications early. Be sure to contact your counselor and ask your teachers for letters of recommendation as soon as possible.
2. Retake the SAT (if necessary). Be sure to sit for an SAT Test that will be accepted under your colleges’ application deadlines.
3. Take the ACT (if necessary or desired). Colleges require either the SAT or the ACT to be taken.
4. Try to take at least two SAT subject tests if you haven’t done so already. SAT subject tests are a good opportunity for you to show your mastery of certain subjects
5. Be sure to report your scores on the SAT, ACT, and AP Tests to colleges you are applying to. You can choose which AP Scores you want to send, but some colleges require you to send all of your SAT Scores. (Most colleges take your highest SAT score in each section).
6. Write several drafts of your personal statements, and do not be afraid to be yourself in the essays.
7. Try to tour the colleges you are applying to if you haven’t already visited them.
8. Do not get caught up in “senioritis!” You still have to keep your grades up even if you have been accepted to a university.
9. Remember that even if you do not get into your dream school, there are plenty of other great universities.
10. Have fun at Homecoming and Prom!