Part 1 of a series …..Post Election Blues!!
By DL White
If you are one of the millions of Americans that watched the election returns on Tuesday, November 5, and slowing your heart began to sink and the hopeful disposition you began the evening with began to creep away, you are not alone. Your feelings are real and shared by tens of millions of Americans and a greater audience around the world.
Feelings of dejection, being despondent, downcast and even gloom creep over the nation on Wednesday morning as millions awoke to the reality that one Donald J. Trump was ahead by an unexpected margin and even the Senate and possibly the U.S. House of Representatives were polling to the right.
This was an unbelievable occurrence after the excitement generated by VP Kamala Harris and her campaign since moving to the top of the Democratic ticket.
The unfortunate reality of Trump being re-elected as president while disparaging appears certain. How did this happen?
How did the former President win out so convincingly and, in those battle-ground states that were expected to swing Democratic? After all this is the individual who has (34 convictions) and was in and out of trials from the East coast to the South. Was it Russian interference again, or the North Koreans?
Trump according to many was perceived as the victim, although it was, he who victimized others. An uncanny turnabout.
The Election Marked by Podcast and Testosterone
Post election consensus suggest Trump won with the support of the conservative Podcast community, working-class people anxious about their economic prospects in a globalizing economy, white and Hispanic male voters.
The current economy is actually in decent shape. Prices are up, however, that can be attributed to the lack of grain on the market due to the war in Ukraine and other global changes.
Even more interesting Trump garnered 54% of the Hispanic male vote and a high percentage of the Caucasian adult female vote. White males were trending in Trump’s favor from the start, despite a respectable percentage (White Dudes for Kamala) made a small dent.
What was surprising according to exist polls, Caucasian women (mothers) concerned about their adult sons (25-30+) who are living in the basement or attics of their homes without a job or in a serious relationship voted for Trump with the hope he would create greater opportunity for their sons, noted Professor Scott Galloway, New York Stem University (CNN.com).
The Republicans were able to make the point (again according to exist polls) that the Democrats were more interested in foreign affairs i.e., Palestine, Ukraine, as well as trans issues here in America. The lack of the Biden Administration in closing the Southern border was also reported to be high priority on voter’s mind.
In 2020, then candidate Joseph Biden received nine closes to 10% of 18 – 25-year-old white male support, that number flipped to Trump in 2024 and rose to 18% (exist polls).
Another concern for those supporting Trump is automation in some industries it has replaced workers, and the pull of capitalism that pushed jobs overseas.
Hard-pressed the white working class as a result, supported Trump and his promises to put an end to globalization and curb free trade.
Trump’s call for “tariffs” on products and goods being imported into the country, will have an adverse impact eventually.
Let’s be frank, “tariffs” are taxes on goods coming into the country. Common knowledge informs if goods are “taxed” coming into the country, prices for those particular goods increase the cost of the product (accumulatively speaking). That increase will be passed on to Americans…..
Trump during one of his several Podcast interviews shared, “Tariff is a beautiful word. One of the most beautiful words in the English dictionary. I plan to add high tariffs on goods coming into the country and force those manufacturers to consider moving their company to the US and not receive tariffs on their products.”
When asked about the cost passed on to the consumer? Trump doubled down and re-affirmed those companies would be calling him, “Sir, can we discuss moving our business to the USA?”
If the former President is correct those who stand to benefit from the return and or transition of companies to the American shores, will not be “working class” individuals that were displaced by automation and the “offshoring” of jobs overseas, but rather those with the “skills” to work those jobs. We live in an age of automation.
The white working class, including white women, and Hispanic males saddled up and rode to Trump’s rescue.
In the past a college education was associated and aligned with democratic values and as Trump has demonstrated a propensity for misogyny, racism and sexist misnomers, again it is surprising that those groups voted as strongly for Trump?
In Groups and Out Groups: Maintaining Whiteness and Assumed Power
Trump’s motto of “Make America Great Again” is more a call to make or keep America dominantly White.
From its inception and founding, whiteness (Anglo-Saxon) principles, patriarchy (founding Fathers), xenophobia and homophobia were woven in the fabric of the country and from time to time have become more pronounced.
In essence, any group or groups that falls outside of such a definition of American identity (in-groups as noted above), are then considered beyond the political community (the out group).
Dr. WEB Dubois, noted in his 1903 literary masterpiece – Souls of Black Folks, that a color-line existed in America and power and influence was associated on the end of the line closet to white with lesser power and influence on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Rapid social change, which poses a threat to the traditional American identity, creates anxiety and anger on the part of those who lay claim to this identity. In these folks’ minds America, which they have become familiar with, is changing too fast.
This again feeds into Trump campaign motto: “Make America great again.” This suggests that America, in its present state, is lacking in some form or fashion and there is the need to return to the previous version itself.
Projected demographics suggest America will be more “brown” than “white” by 2044. Same-sex marriage is the law in the land and the icing or crème-de-coup might have been the election of America’s first African American president in 2008?
With this in mind, many Trump supporters believe themselves to be losing “their” country, something that leads them to prefer a social milieu more consistent with days gone by – one in which primarily white, middle- and upper-class, heterosexual, native-born men reigned supreme.
The Tea Party movement formed in reaction to the election of the first Black president. He represented social change in which 20 percent of white voters could not believe.
When one considers the extent to which these groups overlap, these similarities come as no great surprise. Majorie Taylor-Green and those harboring Tea Party beliefs also supported Trump’s candidacy during the campaign.
Trump has catered to Hate groups from the beginning – He brought Steve Bannon into the White House (Alt-right) Separatist, he signaled the Proud Boys, to ‘Stand back and Stand by.” And in Virginia when white males marched with Tiki Torches chanting racist statements – Trump stated, “They were good people on both sides.”
As deplorable and even depressing as Trump’s return to the Oval Offices feels to many, it forces true America’s those still with a breath of democracy flowing through their veins to look in the mirror and ask who and what the country is becoming.
Is America really about the democratic, progressive values professed in the founding documents? Or are we really the small-minded, bigoted place Trump’s election represents?
Notable: In 1879, statesperson Benjamin Franklin emerged from the Constitutional Hall after days and weeks grappling about the Constitution. Franklin was asked immediately by men standing nearby, “What kind of government have you given us?”………. Franklin was said to have responded, “A democracy if you can hold it.”
It appears Democracy is certainly in harms way as Trump assembles his cabinet. Not only does it lack diversity, but it also lacks anyone (ANYONE) that will stand up and say, No Mr. President, on issues of grave importance. Trump is assembling a group of loyalists (not patriots) rather Trump pleasers. That is the crumbling of the walls of democracy and the beginning of an Autocratic government with Trump as King?

Danny L. White currently lives in Phoenix, AZ. He is the author and creative lead for the Sensational letter “S”, a children’s book focused on early reading comprehension and word development, and Discovering The SAUNK IN U. He is also an Adjunct faculty member at Maricopa College, and staff reporter for the Arizona Informant. He is an active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, in Phoenix.
This article definitely hits all the marks of what’s wrong with our democracy. Keep writing my friend, the public needs to hear similar or even contrasting views.