Warner Bros. Pictures shared a teaser poster for Judas and the Black Messiah, featuring Daniel Kaluuya and Lakeith Stanfield. Produced by Ryan Coogler and Charles King, and directed by Shaka King.
Kaluuya plays Fred Hampton, an activist who served as a chairman in the Black Panther Party before his assassination at age 21 in 1969. Stanfield portrays William O’Neal, an FBI informant who infiltrated the Black Panthers and gave police the floor plan used in the raid on Hampton.
Hampton’s courage inspired a generation to rise up and not back down to oppression, which put him directly in the line of fire of the government, the FBI and the Chicago police. But to destroy the revolution, they had to do it from both the outside… and the inside,” a synopsis reads.
The film co-stars Jesse Plemons, Dominique Fishback, Ashton Sanders and Martin Sheen. Warner Bros. released a trailer for the movie in August that shows O’Neal (Stanfield) infiltrate the Black Panthers in order to avoid jail time for felony charges.
Hampton’s vastly impactful work as leader of the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther Party, landed him on the FBI COINTELPRO list of “threats” to be “neutralized.”
Early in the morning of December 4, 1969, under the orders of State’s Attorney Edward Hanrahan, and with the help of FBI informant and Panther security guard William O’Neal, Chicago police brutally assassinated 21-year-old Hampton as he lay asleep in his bed next to his pregnant fiancé.