San Diego, CA – The San Diego Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc., brings nearly 400 African-American teens together for the 60th Annual Far West Region Jack and Jill Teen Conference. This years theme is, “The World is Ours. Let’s Take It.” The conference runs Thursday, June 26, 2014 through Sunday, June 29, 2014 on the campus of the University of California, San Diego.
Teens from throughout the Western United States including students from Alaska, Arizona, California, Nevada and Washington will attend the 3.5 day conference. During the conference teens will attend a variety of events that will encourage them to explore and pursue their dreams and take action to change the statistics and secure their futures and the nation’s future.
Co Chairing this year’s Teen Conference are Connie Gibson and Pamela Gray Payton, members of the San Diego Chapter of Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
Gibson says, “We are especially excited about this year’s community service project on Friday, June 27, 2 – 4 p.m. We specifically sought a large project where all of our teens could work side-by-side making a positive impact on our region. The teens selected the theme, ‘The Friendships We Sow Help the World To Grow.’ We believe through our partnership with I Love A Clean San Diego, our teens’ anticipated collective donation of 800 hours of community service will significantly reduce the trash in the Tijuana River Valley thereby reducing pollution to our shores.”
Established in 1938, by the late Marion Stubbs in Philadelphia, PA, Jack and Jill of America, Inc., is a national organization that nurtures the development of future leaders through outstanding chapter programming, community service, legislative advocacy, and philanthropic giving. Today, the organization serves more than 30,000 youth throughout the United States. The San Diego Chapter has been active since 1955.
The purpose of the Regional Teen Conference is to create a medium of contact for Jack and Jill teens (ages 13 through 19) and to provide constructive educational, recreational, service and social programs within a given geographical area; and to interpret the programs and promote the projects of the national organization as they pertain to the teens.
For more information on the San Diego Chapter visit www.jackandjillsandiego.org