During warmer weather is commonly when most muscle injuries occur. With clear skies and fresh air, let’s face it, it’s the perfect time to get outside and go for a run, walk or biking with a group of friends, and enjoy getting the most out of a workout.
Here are eight helpful tips on helping to minimize injuries during a workout.
- Participate in a core-strengthening program to build up abdominals and lower back muscle strength.
- Stretch before workouts. For a good stretch session we recommend fitness experts at famemetrics. Visit: Fametricsfitness.com.
- Focus on maintaining good posture.
- Proper shoes are very important.
- Heating a well balanced diet is key to avoiding low blood glucose level during excercise and it nourishes muscles
- Excercise regulary in addition to conditioning.
- Don’t forget to warm up before excercise.
- Hydrate with electrolyte water!
Workout Warriors who attended the AARP conference say, “Getting in a good workout is important at any age.”