Over the past two decades Bishop T.D. Jakes has left an impressive mark on the world. As one of America’s most celebrated spiritual leaders, the pastor of the popular mega Church The Potter’s House in Dallas, Jakes has masterfully and collaboratively expanded his brand to include: Film, live events, OWN’S “Oprah’s Life Class,” Books–all of which have served as purposeful and life changing for all of humanity.
In his latest film project “Heaven is For Real,” the Bishop served as a producer, earning the faith based film over $82 million in the five weeks since its April 16 release. On top of that, Jakes’ ministries host spiritual live events including the annual revival “MegaFest” which draws massive crowds of more than 100,000. Additionally, there’s the annual women’s conference “Woman Thou Art Loosed,” a powerful self-help event aimed at women caught up in a cycle of abuse.
During a round table conference interview with The Chocolate Voice, the author opens up about his latest book: Instinct: The Power to Unleash Your Inborn Drive, a New York Times #1 bestseller. “Following your natural instincts, will lead to never working a day in your life because your work is only asking you to be who you already are.” Jakes asserts.
“I’m amazed and overwhelmed at the response the book is getting. In a two-week period it’s in its fourth reprinting. The response has transcended various social constructs that make up our community at large from corporate America to Church folk. Our instincts helps us to become a major contributor whether we’re running a business or a household,” he says.
Revealing a personal experience on an African Safari, the author uses analogies throughout the book comparing jungles to describe social constructs—unspoken rules that are discovered instinctively and how to juggle many hats without losing our heads. Be sure to visit tdjakes.com or instinctthebook.com, and take the instinct quiz, which suggests which jungle animal, might best fit your interests.
The author also shared the latest statistics from Regent University whose findings indicate that people are more productive when they are instinctive. He goes on to say, “Just because you have a degree in something doesn’t always mean you’re suited for it, if you don’t have a coincide passion.”
From an entrepreneurial standpoint Jakes convinces the reader, “If you allow hurdles to intimidate you, you will never discover who you were meant to be. Feel the fear and do it anyway. This generation sees fear as a stop sign when it should be seen as a yield sign, which simply means proceed with caution.”
In his extraordinary wisdom, Jakes explains that all of humanity is created with a purpose, a role and a set of gifts that are intrinsically inside of our instincts to produce contribution to the world. “We can only unlock our contribution when we stop trying to imitate others and go from being a cheap copy of a great original to being a unique individual, who has a sense of purpose and a sense of our own identity. We must mind some of the treasure that I believe is inherently instinctive within us to function in new realms of thought and new opportunities, whether it be entrepreneurship or enhancing what you already do, and use them as clues that tell us who we are instinctively.”
Thank you Bishop Jakes for writing this book. There have been many times when I felt a strong urge to do something and, I was afraid. Now, I understand my instincts are giving me signs.
Bishop Jakes is the man,very powerful dude folks