Roland S. Martin, host and managing editor of News One Now held a teleconference on January 8, 2016, with “The Chocolate Voice” and a select group of other Black media outlets. Martin shared his insight and analysis on covering stories that are largely ignored by mainstream media.
The Award winning Journalist was at the top of his game in covering the most impactful stories from 2015, and is looking ahead to being at the forefront of covering hot stories in 2016.
Straight forward and to the point, Roland begins the conversation by pointing out why Black media matters. “It’s the Black media’s responsibility to provide timely and relevant issues that mainstream media ignores,” he says.
Now in it’s second year, TV ONE’S News One Now, is doing what the network set out to do, which is to drive the conversation targeting Black viewers, on news that matters within, and outside of Black viewership.
Martin shared his thought’s the Daniel Holtzclaw case, the case of the former Oklahoma Police officer convicted of rape, who preyed on vulnerable Black women, and how mainstream media neglected covering the trial extensively. “My Facebook page received 5 million views on that topic,” Martin says.
News One Now, the first and only daily African American television morning news channel, has provided critical analysis on politics and current hot button topics including: The race to the White House, President Obama’s stance on stricter gun laws, which polls show most republicans and democrats show support for, the rampant shootings of African American males (Check out Martins interview with Samaria Rice, mother of slain 12-year old Tamir Rice), Bill Cosby, Black entertainers who have the ability to use their celebrity to inform those who don’t necessarily watch news programs–Black Ministers who met with Donald Trump and, the Governor of Maine’s controversial comments about Black men.

Without any hesitation, Martin shared his bold opinion on several hot topics including his disdain regarding the meeting which took place earlier this year between Black Ministers and Donald Trump. Martin, says he has reached out to and has scheduled meetings with the Pastors, to have a conversation. He spoke with one minister, who Martin says didn’t understand what happened, and another was a no show. Martin says, “America has the right to know what happened during that meeting. The ministers should be articulate and transparent. They must share what policy wide was said during that conversation.”
On President Obama’s upcoming State of the Union address, Martin was asked what his advice would be if he was the President’s advisor. He shares his top three issues:
- The focus must be on jobs, replicate job programs that are actually working-summer job programs that provide opportunity.
- Pass the criminal justice reform bill which Martin says is crucial.
- He also points out that one place that he feels the President failed is in housing. Blacks lost 53% of the wealth due to the 2007 housing crisis, which had a direct affect on who was able to obtain a loan for collateral to start a business.
Martin added commentary on the Black unemployment rate. He says, “Blacks should start spending more money with black businesses. There are 1.9 million Black owned businesses, many have only 1 employee.”
One question from the media was a concern regarding what will happen the day after the general election. Martin’s concern is, how Black voters will turn out. Martin makes a point in sharing that, African Americans and Black civil rights activist must proceed with an aggressive agenda from the day the election is over. Be timely and proactive and, show a sense of urgency of what we want to accomplish.”
In Martin’s final remarks, he shares that News One Now has had a clear focus of covering an amazing ground on topics that matter.
In addition to his work as host on News One Now, Martin has his own syndicated radio show, a 3 hr per day program, which is another platform that provides crucial information to enlighten people in this world.
He closed the teleconference in stressing the following points, “Information is Power. Impact public policy. Demand accountability. Be unapologetically Black. We must dissect the conversation Our job is to call out mainstream media. It is our job to hold people accountable and to speak the truth.”
Catch Roland S. Martin daily on TV One’s News One Now at 7:00 EST. Check your local listing for channel.
Connect with Martin on Social Media:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rolandsmartinfanpage
Twitter: @RolandSMartin
Instagram: @RolandSMartin