By DL White
Note to America: Trump did it! He Lied, and Unfortunately Some Died!
A common cliché’ that has survived for a number of years, “All is fair, in Love & War” however as of the past 22 years and longer no doubt “All is fair, in Love, War and Politics! Fair and honest? Not by a long shot, the dishonesty of the past administration makes the contentious and grandstanding in Congress over territorial and often social-economic issues appear quite frail.Former President Donald J. Trump knowingly and willfully lied and miss led, millions about having won the 2020 presidential race against Joe Biden, despite being told repeatedly that he had lost.
The January 6, commission has constructed a masterful case against the former President and his band of thieves, from former New York Mayor, the disbarred and disgraced Rudy Giuliani, former Chief of Staff Steve Bannon, and a host of others, all willing to lie and deceive the American public (or the loyal Trump supporters).The irony, on January 6, members of Congress ran for their lives, as the Trump mob, that the former president summoned, charged up and directed to march and take back their government did as ordered.The continuing and lingering stench of the insurrection continues to hover like a storm cloud over American politics as the Mid-terms rapidly approach and despite the concise and clear case being laid out in prime time by the January 6 Commission, a number of Trump supporters continue to proudly wear the Trump Big Lie Badge.
In Arizona’s Gubnatorial race, Katie Hobbs, the Secretary of State, whom Trump and his supporters harassed and threatened for doing her job in certifying the election results in 2020 is running for Governor, among her opponents is former FOX 10 News anchor Kari Lake. Lake boasts of being the only Gubnitorial candidate endorsed by Trump.Lake report being “laser-focused on securing elections and the border by finishing Trumps ill-fated wall. She also reports being the only candidate involved in court cases banning “cheating and electronic election fraud. Lake reports she will ban dangerous curriculum and assure education dollars follow students to their schools of choice (so much for Public Education).
The bottom line, Lake is continuing the Big Lie, there is no electronic election fraud, Arizona’s election was reviewed and reviewed, and ballots were counted three (3) times NO FRAUD, Trump lost!
Another candidate for Governor Matt Salmon, boast of being endorsed by Ted Cruz of Texas, Jim Jordan, Ohio, and Andy Biggs, from somewhere that is not in Arizona. Cruz, has disliked and then fell over board to gain Trumps favor. Jordan, denounced the pregnancy of a 10 year in his state, until the culprit committing the act was arrested and then he (Jordan) did not have enough (@#$#) to admit he was wrong. He still found fought in the 10 year having an abortion in a neighboring state.
Karrin Taylor Robson is a proud member of the NRA and will fight against record-breaking illegal immigration? (Record-breaking)? Another candidate using fear and ignorance in an attempt to polarize voters. In the race for Secretary of State, Michelle Ugenti-Rita, was the author of several pieces of legislations to suppress and compromise voting while serving in the Arizona Legislature. Most of her bills were so far to the right, they died on the floor. The candidates for Superintendent of Public Education include former Superintendent Tom Horne, the English only enforcer who worked to ban African American as well as Native American education while in that office.
Does Arizona need any of the aforementioned? Not really, Arizona has an opportunity to move beyond hateful and negative rhetoric to be a great state with companies dropping anchor in technologies, alternative energy, and coding to list a few. It is far time to move beyond the Big Lie. Trump lied, in time he will face consequences for lying. However, the real difficulty is in having his loyal supporters wake up from the nightmare and move on….Time will tell!
Danny L. White currently lives in Phoenix, AZ. He is the author and creative lead for the Sensational letter “S”, a children’s book focused on early reading comprehension and word development. He is also a Adjunct faculty member at Maricopa College, and staff reporter for the Arizona Informant. He is an active member of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc, in Phoenix.