No doubt, after an eventful weekend, you’re dreading going to work on Monday. For most individuals, the first day of the work week always seems like the hardest day at work. Getting organized early on Sunday, with these tips will get you motivated, out the door and ready to start the day off right.

1. Get to bed early on Sunday.
A good night sleep is essential especially on a weekend. To give you that burst of energy on Monday, it is recommended to complete at least 9 hours of sleep on a Sunday. This makes a huge difference especially waking up. You will be well rested and ready to get a move on for Monday.
2. Organize your schedule ahead of time.
A lot of us wake up on Monday out of sorts. In fact, a most individuals simply figure out what to do for the entire week once the nine-to-five work starts on that day. One sure way to increase our motivation to work on Mondays is by planning the schedule for the entire workweek during the weekends.
It simply reminds you that there’s work to be done and you need to get moving.
3. Pinpoint reasons why you’re unmotivated to go to work on Monday?
Have you experienced feeling unmotivated to perform at work, not only on a Monday, but also on other days of the week? If so, you might as well identify the reason why. Is it a negative work environment that stops you from being productive during Mondays? Or perhaps, you are already experiencing burnout at work?
Once you have identified the problem, try finding a solution for it. For instance, if you are already experiencing burnout from work, why not ask for a vacation? Or, you can also try a new hobby after work to keep stress to a minimum.
4. Close yourself off from work during the weekend.
It is frustrating when you don’t get enough rest from your weekend. This is why you see people too tired to work on a Monday.
One of the reasons why you don’t recover from a stressful work week is because you don’t necessarily switch off from work. Instead, you still check emails and other work related stuff. Having personal time makes perfect sense especially for someone who works hard all week long. By shutting yourself off from work, you will feel more motivated to work on a Monday.
5. Find the right attire for work matters.
Ever wondered why corporate jobs require employees to dress professionally? It has been proven that people change their attitudes depending on what they wear. This is why you notice people to talk and walk differently when they’re dressed professionally.
One simple and effective way to increase our motivation to work on Mondays is simply by choosing the right clothes that make us feel good. On a Monday, why not choose your favorite outfit that gives you a sharp, crisp look, and makes you feel good?
Happy motivational Monday!