San Diego: Woman Honors Community with Phenomenal Woman Award

 Alyce Smith Cooper is a stage actor, a storyteller and a published poet. Aside from her art and working as a nurse, Smith Cooper has led diversity training, worked in classrooms and served as an ordained minister. Photo credit: Rochelle Porter.

(San Diego, CA) Long time San Diego resident Rochelle Porter, is no joke. Especially when it comes to honoring members of her community. In particular, those whom she feels doesn’t get the recognition that they deserve. Somewhat of a hidden ‘gem’ herself, Porter swiftly moves about the world asking for little, if anything at all, for services that she has provided to the community over the years.

Known throughout the local Black community as a lens, Porter, a photographer on any given day can be found out and about taking photos at events throughout San Diego, and in Los Angeles, where you can catch a glimpse of her at community events and on red carpet Award shows, bossing celebrities around in order to get that perfect shot.

Yes, we said it, she’s a boss.

Since it’s Women’s History month, we would like to recognize Ms. Porter as a boss who knows all too well what it’s like to feel under appreciated.

Inspired by the many women she’s surrounded by doing amazing things, she decided to take matters into her own hands by creating her own signature award, the “Phenomenal Woman Award.”

Porter, who’s also a seamstress, creatively designed a lovely phenomenal woman doll personalized for each of the women in her community that she observed through the years as doing amazing work with little, or no recognition at all. Among those honored include: Artists, poets, storytellers, community organizers, social justice advocates, healthcare professionals, women in politics and in media, non-profit managers, entrepreneurs and more.

Over one hundred woman were presented with a phenomenal woman doll.  And, judging from the social  media posts of the women posing holding their dolls, those smiles says it all.

I’m certain that all of the honorees would agree, it’s a good feeling to be recognized.

Happy Women’s History month!

Jacquelyn Clark enjoys volunteering and/or serving on various boards, school site councils, PTA, political, social, faith, and community-based organizations.
Photo credit: Rochelle Porter

1 thought on “San Diego: Woman Honors Community with Phenomenal Woman Award”

  1. Pingback: San Diego: African American Museum of Fine Arts Presents: Keepers of the Culture | The Chocolate Voice

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